Tending Grapes and Contemplating the Divine (Sabbatical Reflection #1)

During this early part of my sabbatical journey, I had the profound privilege of spending time at the Fratelli Contemplativi di Gesù, a monastery renowned for its unique prayerful practice centered around tending to grapevines.  They are located in the Piedmont region of Italy and have existed for hundreds of years into their hillside.  This experience was not only a retreat into the serene rhythm of monastic life but also a deep spiritual immersion into the art of contemplation.

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Harnessing the Soul: Mastery Over Incensive and Desiring Passions

In the labyrinth of the human soul, passions emerge as potent forces, each tugging at different facets of our inner being. Maximus the Confessor identifies two primary categories of these passions: those that pertain to the soul’s incensive power and those that pertain to its desiring aspect. Both types of passions are ignited through our sensory experiences and flourish in the absence of love and self-control.

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Mastery Over Passions: The Dual Path of Love and Self-Control

In the intricate dance of human existence, passions arise as powerful forces that can either propel us toward fulfillment or lead us astray. Maximus the Confessor distinguishes between two types of passions: those of the body and those of the soul. The body’s passions are physical cravings and impulses, while the soul’s passions are emotional and psychological desires. Both kinds of passions, he asserts, are aroused through the senses and can lead us away from our true purpose when left unchecked.

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The Inner Battle: Overcoming Impassioned Images

In the quiet recesses of our minds, there exists a gallery of images—impressions and memories of past experiences that linger like shadows on the walls of our consciousness. These impassioned images, vibrant and evocative, often hold sway over our emotions and actions, influencing how we perceive and interact with the world around us.

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Around the Table: The Journey Begins

Today, as I begin part 1 of my sabbatical journey, I find myself drawn to the profound beauty of Sabbath. This ancient practice, deeply rooted in the traditions of the early Church and desert spirituality, invites us into a rhythm of rest, reflection, and connection that feels especially resonant today. I want to invite you, the community of St. Francis, to join me in this sacred exploration of Sabbath rest this summer.

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The Yoke of Love: Embracing Forbearance

In the teachings of Christ, there lies a profound challenge, a call to transcend the natural inclinations of the human heart and embrace a higher law—the law of perfect love. "But I say to you," says the Lord, "love your enemies... do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you" (Matt. 5:44). This commandment is not merely a moral directive; it is a transformative invitation to step into the boundless love of God.

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The Path to Perfect Love: Embracing Our Enemies

In the teachings of Christ, there lies a profound challenge, a call to transcend the natural inclinations of the human heart and embrace a higher law—the law of perfect love. "But I say to you," says the Lord, "love your enemies... do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you" (Matt. 5:44). This commandment is not merely a moral directive; it is a transformative invitation to step into the boundless love of God.

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The Power of Silence

In the life's symphony, silence often plays the unsung hero, enriching existence's melodies with depth and resonance. Amidst a world echoing with noise and strife, silence's virtue frequently finds itself drowned out. Yet, in spiritual battles, silence wields significant power against slander and gossip's malignant spread.

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The Spiritual Guide

In the spiritual life's fabric, the spiritual father figure shines as a beacon, guiding the soul with wisdom and grace, akin to a strong oak offering storm shelter. This guardian provides a safe haven for those seeking wisdom and guidance. Imagine a traveler navigating a daunting wilderness; here, the spiritual father stands as a guiding star, offering direction, comfort, and hope to the weary wanderer. He shares wisdom and unveils the spiritual journey's secrets, leading the soul to divine grace's celestial realms.

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In the soul's garden, vigilant guards stand at the heart's gate, differentiating between love's seeds and malice's thorns. Gossip and fault-finding, these twin forces of disruption, threaten to penetrate divine love's defenses and stir discord in the soul's fertile grounds.

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