Maximus the Confessor emphasizes that perfect love is indifferent to worldly distinctions such as fame, dishonor, riches, poverty, pleasure, and distress. This indifference is a hallmark of perfect love, which focuses solely on the eternal rather than the temporal.
Read MorePerfect love, as described by Maximus the Confessor, does not differentiate based on individual characteristics. It loves all equally, whether friend or foe, with a consistent, unwavering affection. This love mirrors the love of Christ, who suffered for all mankind and offers everyone an equal hope of resurrection.
Read MoreMaximus the Confessor teaches that our love for others should not be swayed by their individual characteristics. If our regard for people fluctuates based on their behavior or our personal feelings, we have not yet attained perfect love. Perfect love transcends personal differences and sees the shared human nature in all.
Read MoreAs part of my sabbatical journey, I recently had the privilege of spending a day with Leonardo, a third-generation truffle hunter, and his stepdaughter, Julia. This experience illuminated profound lessons about trust, forgiveness, and our connection to the earth.
Read MoreIn the communal life of faith, maintaining peace is paramount. Maximus the Confessor warns us to shun all suspicions and the individuals who cause us to take offense. To harbor offense, whether it is intentional or unintentional, is to stray from the path of peace—a path that love illuminates and leads us to divine knowledge.
Read MoreIn a world where fear often holds sway and the focus is, on growth, ROI and predictable success it's easy to overlook the importance of having a vision and practicing patience. However every now and then a story comes along that serves as a reminder of these virtues. Today I'd like to share with you the inspiring tale of Tomassio and his father—a narrative that embodies tradition, determination and an unwavering dedication to pursuing a dream.
Read MoreIn the communal life of a monastery, the bonds of brotherhood are as essential as the air we breathe. These bonds are built on mutual respect, understanding, and the shared pursuit of spiritual growth. Maximus the Confessor warns us of a grave danger to these bonds: the act of striking a fellow brother, especially without just cause. Such an action can lead to profound and lasting harm, not only to the individual struck but also to the spiritual well-being of the one who strikes.
Read MoreAs I look back on my first full week on this journey already full of surprises and self growth I want to share a lesson gleaned around the table of a wine maker in the Piedmont region, specifically the subregion of Cuneo. On that stop I met Nadia Curto, a local winemaker, with Vanessa, Brooklyn, and Lennox in toe for the day. As we sat around her table, Nadia shared stories about her uncle, Elio Altare, one of the legendary "Barolo Boys" who revolutionized Barolo wine in the Piedmont region. This encounter reminded me of a recent critique I received: “I am glad you are now excited about this ministry.” It struck a chord because, despite my genuine investment, I had not lived up to the unspoken expectations of others involved.
Read MoreIn our spiritual journey, as we have learned thus far various passions seek to distract, divert, and derail us from our spiritual path. Among these, forgetfulness and ignorance may target specific aspects of the soul—be it the incensive, desiring, or intelligent. Yet, there is one passion that casts a wider net, ensnaring the soul's entirety in its grip: listlessness. Maximus the Confessor identifies this particular passion as especially perilous because it seizes control of all the soul’s powers, rousing nearly every passion in its wake.
Read MoreIn the intricate tapestry of the human soul, the passions of the incensive power stand as fierce adversaries, challenging our peace and spiritual equilibrium. Maximus the Confessor wisely observes that these passions, characterized by anger, resentment, and aggression, are more formidable and difficult to overcome than those related to desire. Recognizing this, our Lord provides a potent antidote: the commandment of love.
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